Dr. Christopher Lim, a local licensed medical doctor, will be invited to offer cancer patients treatment suggestions on Jan. 16. If you have cancer and want to get more treatment information, please must bring your medica
Dr. Christopher Lim, a local licensed medical doctor, will be invited to offer cancer patients treatment suggestions on Jan. 16. If you have cancer and want to get more treatment information, please must bring your medica
Dr. Christopher Lim, a local licensed medical doctor in the Philippines, will be invited to offer cancer patients treatment suggestions. If you have cancer and want to get more treatment information, please bring your med
For the coming Thanksgiving day, a patients gathering titled “Anticancer Warrior Experience Sharing” will be held in Manila on Nov. 24. If you are battling cancer and want to connect with someone with a similar diagno
A remote consultation will be held on Dec. 8th in Cebu to help more Filipino cancer patients, if you are not satisfied with the previous treatment and wants to receive an ideal treatment solutions from authoritative oncol