What a caregiver can do for cancer patients?

It’s known that cancer treatment is a torturous period for patients. Equipped with 18 minimally invasive treatments featuring small trauma, less side effects and quick recovery, St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou accompany you to travel anticancer journey at ease.

Caregivers also play a paramount role during treatment. There're the most helpful things they can do to help cancer patients deal with cancer.lung cancer, cancer treatment, caregiver, love, supprot, company, St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

1. First of all, maintain some normalcy, just remember, people with cancer aren't just cancer patients, and they don't want to be treated differently.

2. Just be there. Make sure he/she knows you're there for them and show that you still care throughout their cancer journey. And remember, even the smallest gesture can make a huge difference to cancer patients.

3. Listen and talk, ask questions to show you care, but let your friend or loved one lead the conversation. Cancer patients are still people, and they want to see you, talk to you and laugh with you. It would be the best if you can tell jokes.

4. Find a way to help and just do it. Don't ask if there's anything you can do. Just doing something for friends with cancer instead of asking what they need.

5. Distract him or her from focusing on the disease or pain, that is to say, help take their minds off cancer, even if just for a little bit.

6. Offer these advice to him or her if they suffer insomnia: calm down, play some soft music, avoid naps, exercise and don’t smoke. Because insomnia is common in cancer patients as well as the general population. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to a host of medical problems, including chronic fatigue, depression, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

7. To join a support group online and communicate with other caregivers or patients to gain more experience about taking care of cancer patients.

8. It would be better if you can cook. Home-cooked meal in hospital can relief patients’ pressure and anxiety. Just be sure you find out if there are any foods the patient needs to avoid or has developed an aversion to during cancer treatment.

9. Take him or her out for a walk or dinner if he/she is allowed to. It’s really relaxing for both caregiver and the patient. Make it regular if possible.

10. Stay positive, because negativity can be contagious, if someone around you become upset, you will be in same mind out of blue. Positive attitude also can help yield good efficacy.

Love, support and company together can be an effective impulse to realize good efficacy during treatment, therefore it’s very important for caregivers to perform these practices mentioned above. All medical staff in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou also consistently contribute to the welfare of the patients.

*Surgery, in addition to the appropriate chemotherapy and radiotherapy, are effective in treating early cancer, but certain patients in late stage of cancer may not be tolerate surgery well as they can be relatively weak. A combination of carefully planned minimally invasive therapy, chemotherapy or radiotherapy can effectively reduce the side effects and discomfort of treatment and may help patient get better efficacy.

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