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Minimally Invasive Technology, New Hope to Treat Lung Cancer

The couple and Dr. Zhang

I’m Mila Labor , 58 years old, from the Philippines. In 2014, I was diagnosed with lung cancer and then took surgery and intravenous chemotherapy in the Philippines. But the treatments didn’t take effect, and my cancer came back. On March 2016, I came to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and took cryotherapy, interventional therapy as part of my comprehensive treatment plan. At present, tumors in my lung have disappeared, and my tumor marker is normal. My condition has improved a lot.

It all started 2 years ago, when I underwent my yearly body examination, the doctor found out a lump in my lung, however, it was misdiagnosed as pulmonary tuberculosis and I took tuberculosis treatments for 4 months. Later, I was asked to undergo CT scan and biopsy. The result showed it was lung cancer. In a span of a few months, my cancer has turned from stage 1 to stage 3, and the tumor turned from 1cm to 11cm. I believe that if I have been diagnosed early on, I could have taken immediate treatment.

As soon as I got the news that I have cancer, I was absolutely devastated but I knew I was a strong person, so I looked at it positively. When my families heard the news, they were also devastated and distressed but gradually they learned to accept it.

Mila and her husband

Subsequently, I received surgery and chemotherapy in the Philippines. The surgery brought me great trauma and very slow recovery. Intravenous chemotherapy also had side effects for me, such as weakness, appetite loss, damage to kidneys etc. After I finished all the treatments, I came back for another check-up. Unfortunately, my cancer came back and became more serious. The doctor gave me much stronger chemo drugs, but they also did not work. In February this year, results revealed that the number of tumors has increased. Furthermore, the cancer has spread to my neck lymph nodes, skull and iliac bone. Therefore, we decided to find another treatment. And I found out Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou.

Actually, I knew about Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou a long time ago. I came across this hospital in the Internet. I also met a cancer patient from that hospital when I was on the way to Singapore. She told me she was cancer-free and recommended me to go to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. She also gave me the contact information of the Manila office of the hospital. At that time, I still took treatments in the Philippines, and thought that it might be unnecessary to go to this hospital if the treatments were effective. However, the effect was not good. Thus, I came to the Manila office for consultation and then chose to undergo cancer treatment in China.


In March, 2016, I arrived at Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, accompanied by my husband. The multidisciplinary team of doctors made a comprehensive treatment plan which has interventional therapy as its main treatment. I first underwent cryotherapy and then interventional therapy. In addition, I also took the treatment for liver and kidney protection. After the first treatment, the tumors in my lung were gone and my tumor marker has decreased. My kidneys which were damaged by chemotherapy became better.

So far, I have visited the hospital for 4 times, and the treatments haven’t brought me side effects. Currently, my tumors in my lung have disappeared, and the tumor marker is in normal range. My condition is better and better. I hope that more good news will come.

I am very thankful to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and the medical team here. Technologies here are very modern and advanced, which focus on the least damage possible, fewest side effects and the best effect for cancer patients. Their treatments are suitable for my condition, which did not react to traditional cancer treatments. Here, we also have more freedom. Whenever we want to go outside, the doctors will assesses my condition if it is good enough and will allow me if it is the case. We went shopping, ate out, and even went to Hong Kong once. In addition, the activities in the hospital are wonderful. Last time, we went to watch dragon boat race with hospital organization. This made my treatment period enjoyable as well.

I want to thank my husband who accompanied me, supported me and cared for me all this time. He always feeds me, assists me in going to the restroom, and many more. He told me that he would rather be the person who is sick than have me suffer. Before I got cancer, I thought I was the strongest person in my family. But after I got sick, I just realized that the strongest person is really my husband. Fighting cancer is not about me, but it is about my whole family, my friends and neighbors who supported me a lot. I must fight for them.

Lastly, I hope that all the cancer patients will never give up. It is important to keep a positive attitude and everything can change for the better!

If you have any questions, please contact us via online consultation, email or phone call. If you find our website useful, please follow our FaceBook and YouTube, health information will be updated regularly.