In the evenings of June 25th and 26th, the 2012 Top Ten Singer Contest was held in the multifunctional academic hall on the ninth floor of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. It was a lively and passionate contest, in which the contestants enthusiastically displayed their talents. The fans group, composed of medical faculty and cancer patients, saved no effort in supporting their heroes by cheering them on. The judging panel attentively listened to the singers and valuated their performance, aiming to give a fair judgment.
Affected by the passionate atmosphere of the scene, many oversea patients joined the contestants. Mr. Fan from Hanoi, Vietnam, won waves of warm applause with a Vietnamese Sheung Hoi Tan. Family member of Mr. Chen, a patient who had just come for one day from Jakarta, Indonesia, struck a chord with the audiences with a classical old song The Moon Speaks of My Mind. Ms. Huang, another Indonesian patient, pushed the contest to the climax by joining the contestants and singing with them together. At last, family of Mr. Chen spoke out the minds of all the cancer patients and medical personnels of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou by saying in Chinese: “Friends from Indonesia, you should believe that doctors of Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou can treat your diseases. Come on! " Indeed, cancer patients are fighting for their health, and Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou is also working hard to provide the best treatment for them.
The night was fading gradually, but the enthusiasm of the contest scene seems never disappear, so as the closeness between patients and the medical personnels. We believed that our friendship will last forever and Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou will always be with you.

Cancer patient singing together with the contestant
Cancer patient singing together with the contestant
Cancer patients cheering the contestants on
Cancer patient singing enthusiastically
Cancer patient singing enthusiastically
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