Picture attached are doctors’ daily visits (Professor Huang, Doctor Ren, and chief physician Cao Chun)
To Indonesian patient Singgih discharged from hospital on July 14, 2010 after about 1 month’s hospitalization. The patient had suffered from liver disease for 16 years; when he was admitted, his liver cirrhosis had already progressed into advanced stage, and he had hepatic coma; his KPS was only 80. After admission, he was given auto stem cell transplantation in International Patients Center of Modern Hospital Guangzhou (MHG); after the transplantation, attentive care and treatment were given to him; the transplantation finally turned out to be very successful. According to his attending physician (Dr. May), his ascites was resolved; before the transplantation, he needed 2 bottles albumin I.V. every day, but after that, he doesn’t need them any more. Besides, most of his liver function index had restored to normal; still it might take him 2-3 months for a thorough recovery of all indexes. This technique is a new innovation towards non-tumorous diseases. This first-successful-case paved way for MHG’s pioneering in treatment of non-tumorous diseases. It is reported that MHG also applied this technique in treating spinal cord injury caused by car accident, and conditions such as diabetes, foot necrosis, hemiplegia resulted from cerebrovascular accident, and Parkinson’s syndrome, etc. (Reporter: Liu ChunYAn)
A Thank-you Letter from Mr. Singgih’s son
Sent:Wednesday, July 14, 2010 11:26:20 PM
Hello Dr. May Cao... This is Rio, Mr. Singgih’s son from Indonesia. My parents have just arrived at the airport and I’m with them now... I was impressed to look at my father’s condition.. He is so much better than before, and seemed happy. I want to say thank you, a very big thank you especially to you and all your team at the Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. Thanks for your kindness, thanks for your best treatment, thanks for your caring, and thanks for everything. You’re all a very good people...
Best Regards!
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